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How to Apply to ASPIRE

ASPIRE Academy at Arredondo is a self-contained gifted program serving students from third- through fifth-grade. It is also a choice school within Tempe Elementary Schools, which means that all students must apply to attend.

Students who wish to attend ASPIRE Academy at Arredondo must meet ALL of the following criteria*:
  • Incoming 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade student who qualifies for gifted education services
  • Gifted qualification at 94th percentile or higher in at least one area on a state board approved test for gifted identification
  • Gifted qualification at 85th percentile or higher in at least one additional area on a state board approved test for gifted identification

*This criteria applies to both in- and out-of-district student applications.

If your child currently attends a school within Tempe Elementary Schools, school administration has access to and will review the documents pertaining to minimum qualification criteria. If your child is not currently attending a school within Tempe Elementary Schools, please send all requested qualification files to

If you have further questions, please call the Gifted Education Office at (480) 730-7373.

NOW OPEN! Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year

Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted. Parents will be notified by email if their child has been accepted or placed on a waitlist. Pending acceptance, parents will be notified with next steps. 

Apply Now 

Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year

  • Current ASPIRE students will be automatically accepted into the program for the following school year.

  • Parents will be notified of acceptance via email and will be provided with next steps.

  • A waitlist will be utilized for interested families should the program be at capacity. The list will be sorted based on time-stamped submission dates.

Apply Now 

Transportation Information

As a choice school, transportation to and from ASPIRE Academy at Arredondo is the parent/guardian responsibility, unless your child lives within the Arredondo boundary or if transportation has been approved by Tempe Elementary Schools.

Parents/guardians can complete a transportation request form once their child has been accepted into ASPIRE Academy at Arredondo. If you would like to request transportation, please complete the form below.

2024-2025 ASPIRE Academy at Arredondo Transportation Request Form

2025-2026 ASPIRE Academy at Arredondo Transportation Request Form

Transportation is not guaranteed due to limited space. Transportation priority will be given to students living within the District boundaries. For more information, please call (480) 642-1540, ext. 7619.

Student holds up illuminated light

2025-2026 Applications

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open!

Contact Us

Amy Evans
Gifted Coordinator
(480) 730-7373
Email Amy Evans

For general questions regarding enrollment, email